
We follow Jesus together which means we actually experience life together. This isn’t just church-speak: Because God designed us to live in community, we’re eager to serve, love, laugh, support, forgive, sharpen, and encourage one another.

Bible Studies/Book Groups

Second Mile offers Bible studies and book groups to cultivate a deeper understanding of Scripture and help us grow in our pursuit of God. These classes:

  • Rotate throughout the year
  • Last six to eight weeks depending on the study 
  • Involve homework

We hope these groups challenge people to grow in their faith as well as provide opportunities to meet and connect with other women and men. Please click here to register for upcoming studies or contact Angel if you would like to learn more about this opportunity.

Core Communities

Second Mile meets during the week in small groups throughout Tucson. Consider this your extended family—these communities share meals together, cheer at kids’ soccer games, pray, study the Word, and discuss Sunday messages.

Core Communities are a primary way that we weave our lives together and join God’s work to care for one another

Contact David to learn more.

Second Mile Equip (Equipping Classes)

Second Mile offers classes to equip the church family through theological training. In particular, these classes highlight the:  

  • Christian story, including the Gospel, Old Testament and New Testament surveys
  • Christian faith, including foundational and orthodox doctrines of our faith 
  • Christian experience, including practical implications of the foundational teachings in areas like mission and sanctification
We believe that the most effective learning happens collaboratively, so these classes are interactive, hands-on, workshops.

With Ephesians 4:10-16 as our guide, we desire to be a unified, trained, and truth-centered church depending on Jesus to become like Jesus. Together, these classes compose a three-year course and provide a framework for shaping Second Milers into disciple-making disciples. For information on when the next session/semester begins, please contact David.